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Announcements and Updates:

STAR 1-3: Team-coaching with Coach Louisa will continue to provide more lesson time and smaller group sizes for our skaters on Mondays and Thursdays. 

Off-Ice: STAR 1-3 Mondays 4:25pm-4:55pm (upstairs by Rink A)

              STAR 4+ Wednesdays 7:15pm-7:45pm (staircase behind Rink A)

              STAR 4+ Thursdays 4:30pm-5:00pm (Dressing Room A4)


Upcoming competition: Brantford January 24-26🎉

Hi, there!
My name is Alex Brown and I have been coaching figure skating for 10 years. 
Skating is not just a sport to me. It's a method of self-expression and an outlet for creativity and artistry. 
Please use this website to explore more about what it means to work with me as a coach. My skaters may also use this site to track their progress and evaluate their goals.

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